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Quilts from the Social Justice Sewing Academy

August 1 - 31, 2017

Founded in 2016, the Social Justice Sewing Academy is a critical education program that fosters participatory art as a vehicle for personal transformation, community cohesion, and social change.

The SJSA brings together artist-mentors, local youth, and community members to learn and experiment through place-based projects. They promote the model of the artist as citizen, actively engaged in conversations with the surrounding community through the lens of contemporary art. They support youth to become civically engaged artists as they are challenged to tackle current social issues in their community that directly affect their lives.

Quilts from the Social Justice Sewing Academy are being shown in conjunction with Refugee Stories by Kathryn Clark.


Alonso Saenz, Bryan Robinson, Jamia Williams, Juan Tapia, Yosief Teckle, Yaneli Martinez, Sara Trail

Photos from the Exhibition:

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