Hello Stitch Studio

Apr 2, 2020

Mask Sewing Resources & Bay Area Donation Information

We have been getting lots of great information from people who are interested in helping to sew masks and hospital gowns and have compiled it all here. We'll keep it updated as things develop!

*This list has been compiled by Hello Stitch studio and  is all information that has been sent to us through various channels. We thought it best to compile this information into a comprehensive list. Please use your best judgement when making, donating, and using fabric masks!

Face Mask Best Practices:


Popular face mask patterns:

We have been creating pre-sewn face mask kits on our longarm at Hello Stitch. To go with those kits, we've created videos on different methods of mask sewing. Read more on our Mask Finishing post!

Kaiser recommended pattern and video

The Fu Face Mask has links to a how-to video and instructions and is made with “ribbon" and not elastic (something in short supply).

Link for the pattern and video instructions: https://freesewing.org/docs/patterns/fu

Link for printed instructions: https://freesewing.org/docs/patterns/fu/instructions

This Deaconess pattern is easy and can be made with elastic or ribbon. Click on the link below to see the instructions and a video demo: https://www.deaconess.com/How-to-make-a-Face-Mask

Another one: A.B. Mask -- for a Nurse by a Nurse is made with ties. It can fit over a N95 mask so it's a bit more complicated. Has pattern and step by step picture instructions. https://www.instructables.com/id/AB-Mask-for-a-Nurse-by-a-Nurse

And yet one more link to Kadiddlehopper for an easy pleated mask with elastic or ties: https://katiekadiddlehopper.blogspot.com/2020/03/fabric-surgical-style-mask-free-pattern.html

10 Minute Face Mask video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fEHU0U4TQXc&feature=youtu.be

Isolation Gowns:

Isolation Gown Pattern

Online organizations with more information/resources/supplies:

Rosie Sews

Donation Information:

If you have N95 masks, hand sanitizer, or disposable gloves, local area hospitals are in desperate need and you can donate directly here:https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/UC-San-Francisco-mask-donation-sites-gloves-15150026.php

SF EAST BAY: If you're in the East Bay and interested in sewing masks or gowns to be donated to local organizations in need, we've found a local point person for you! Carolyn Weil is going to coordinate the drop off with local organizations and hospitals. Email her to find out the drop-off location at EBHQ.DDCQP@gmail.com.

SF NORTH BAY: Check out the North Bay Sewist Unite! FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/223887462130501

NATIONALLY: If you're not local, but looking for places that are asking for mask donations, here is a developing list of places looking for donations nationally: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12a5YO0Z9RpHZk9Zkzl4NOj9CbjzhFfoKjPLFFC-21LU